Find Career & Destiny in Astrology(Special 39 Steps)
Finding Career and Destiny in Astrology:- This article is specially for all people who don’t know about their best career field & very much depressed about their present career life situation but very much curious to know about their particular best career field name so that they can get success in their career life.
> Here in this chart I’ll give you the details of career finding steps if you follow this then you’ll easily find your best career field name but before reading these steps you should know little bit of basic astrology so that you can understand my explanation .
> Whenever I see the birth chart regarding any purpose like career or marriage or timing of events prediction .. I always give maximum importance on the ascendant condition of the chart then only see the house related question matter because ascendant is you yourself , your body if your ascendant or health is good then question arise for what career you should focus in life so that you can get success . So whenever you see any chart 1st you should concentrate on ascendant condition of the chart then career 10th house related condition & here I’ve explained not only the 10th house condition but also more details about your career destiny.
So here are the career finding steps :-
Birth Chart :-
Step 1> Ascendant condition :- Ascendant is most important because ascendant represents you , yourself , your body , your personality , your characteristics . So you’ve to check ascendant sign naksatra pada condition because due to this particular pada of nakshatra your birth ascendant gets placed in D9 chart of particular sign which shows your personality , characteristics before marriage & after marriage . Now check where is your ascendant nakshatra lord goes in particular house of your birth chart & the planets are influencing to your ascendant nakshatra lord shows more details about your personality & characteristics . After that you’ve to check where is your ascendant sign lord goes in particular house which shows your life focus that you’ve to deal with or will experience in this life & also you’ve to check that birth chart ascendant lord sign placement with nakshatra pada condition in birth chart to get more details of your life focus.
Step 2>Atma Karka(AK) condition :- Planet is holding highest degree in our birth chart is called Atma karka planet, it’s our soul significatior. So you’ve to find out your atma karka planet condition like where is your atma karka planet placed in which sign under what nakshatra, are there any planets influencing to your Atma karka find out all condition that’ll tell you all about your inner soul related matter as per your chart.
Step 3>Amatya Karka(AMK) condition :- The planet is holding second highest degree in your birth chart is called Amatya karka planet, It’s the guider of our soul or easy way to say that ” significator of the soul’s desire ” . This planet always try to help you to reach your destiny . So again you’ve to find out this planet’s condition same way that I’ve explained in previous step.
Step 4> Brighu Bindu (BB) condition :- It is the degree midpoint of the Moon and Rahu, and is a very important point in delineation. The BB is mention in the Chandra Kala Nadi, as well as Brighu Nadi. It’s the most important senstive point in your chart that’ll tell you the actual purpose of your life. Once you find out your Bhrigu bindu then see are there any planets are placed with BB , which house your BB is placed in what sign & under what nakshatra ,where is the sign lord of BB placed or conjunct with how many planets find out all these condition & that will tell you the actual purpose of your life.
Step 5> 10th house condition :- 10th house is the most most most important in this topic because 10th house represents your professional career environment , career status in the outer world whereas 10th house lord represents your authority of your professional career & 10th house lord direction shows your professional career direction , So you’ve to check where is your 10th house lord goes , which sign it’s placed under what naksatra pada & find out all the condition then you’ve to check condition of which planets are conjuncted with or aspecting to 10th lord & which sign your natal 10th lord gets placed in D9 chart shows the details of your career direction , then you’ve to check which planets are placed in 10th house & aspecting to 10th house all these planets naksatra level condition you’ve to find out & summarize the whole condition of 10th house which will tell you the details your professional career direction as well as environment .
Step 6> 10th house cusp Sublord condition in KP Astrology :- In KP system, I always look at 10th house cuspal sublord planet placement condition because only 10th cusp sublord planet shows what kind of profession is promised as per your chart, when will your career rise time come, when you’ll experience bad career life , will you get huge success in your career life & all details of your career life condition . lets say if 10th house cuspal sublord is placed in 10th house of your KP cuspal chart then definitely you’ll get huge success in career life, to get the details of your career condition you’ve to see where is your 10th cusp sublord placed in your Kp cuspal chart under what nakshatra that nakshatra lord planet condition will give you the details of your career field result & 10th cusp sublord planet house placement condition shows your career environment.
Step 7> Arudha lagna & arudha pada of 10th house condition :- Arudha lagna is the outer image of ascendant means outer image of your personality , characteristics in the society , So you’ve to check where is your arudha lagna is placed in which house what sign & the planets are placed in or aspecting to that arudha lagna plus lord of arudha lagna condition in birth chart that will tell you more details about your outer image in the society of the outer world , similarly you’ve to check arudha pada of 10th house condition which will tell you the career status image in the society of the outer world .
Step 8> D10 chart 10th house lord condition in birth chart :- D10 dashamsaha chart is more important which will give you every details of your career life , so you’ve to check D10 chart 10th house lord condition in birth chart like which house it’s placed in what sign under what naksatra pada & the condition of planets are influencing to that D10 10th lord planet in birth chart .
Step 9> 7th house condition :- 7th house is the bhavat bhavam of 10th house of career means 7th house is the 10th house of your birth chart 10th house of career shows higher self of your actual career environment plus pada prapti or career status position improvement, progression in your career life & also 7th house represents business , So again you’ve to check 7th house lord planet house placement & sign placement condition & that 7th lord planret’s naksatra level condition with respect to the planets who are influencing to 7th lord that all planets condition because they are modifying 7th house lord condition .
Step 10> 6th house condition :- 6th house represents your daily routine work , job & services plus the competition you do to get job . So you’ve to check where is your 6th house lord goes under what sign & naksatra it’s placed in birth chart & the condition of planets who are influencing to 6th house & 6th lord that will tell you the details of your daily routine service or job or work condition even how much enemy obstacles you should face in your daily routine work environment .
Step 11> 5th house condition :- 5th house represents your passion , inspiration , fire within you which is connected to your purva punya , So if you don’t have any passion in your career field then you’ll never get satisfied in your career life means your career satisfaction come from the field you are most passionate , So you’ve to check where is your 5th house lord goes under what sign & naksatra it’s placed in birth chart & the condition of planets who are influencing to 5th house & 5th lord which will give you details of your passion .
Step 12> 11th house condition :- 11th house represents gain of your authority, profit , monthly income , gaining through your huge networking circle & everyone want to know how they can gain or from where their profit will come for that you’ve to check 11th house condition like where is your 11th house lord is placed from that house your gain will come & to get more details then look at 11th lord house sign placement naksatra condition in birth chart & that planet placement condition in D9 as well as D10 chart , after that check are their any planets aspecting to or conjuncted with 11th lord in birth chart then find out all these planets condition of house sign naksatra level because they are changing or modyfying your gaining condition after that check which planets are aspecting to 11th house or placed in 11th house then they are also influencing to 11th house of your gain so you’ve to check that planets condition to get more details of your 11th house network circle condition & through that support of networking circle your gain will come example if a planet is placed in 7th house & naksatra of that planet well placed in 11th house then it represents that when you’ll get married or start to do partnership business then your 11th house of gain will come specially that 7th house planet mahadasha or antardasha because a planet in his dasha period 1st activate to give result of his naksatra lord house placement condition , here that 7th house planet in his dasha period 1st activate his naksatra lord house placement condition & that naksatra lord gets well placed in 11th house of gain . Similarly check where is your 11th house lord or owner goes & that planet naksatra level condition you’ve to find out so that you’ll know from where your gain will come .
Step 13> Karmapati Saturn condition :- Saturn represents order , structure & descipline who is the karka or significator hard work also controls natural zodiac sign of 10th house of career , So you’ve to check where is your saturn is placed that house & 3rd place from that house you should give maximum effort but before that you should find out your saturn house placement condition like which house your saturn is controlling, where it’s placed in what sign naksatra & to whom it’s aspected or conjuncted with the planet all these condition you’ve to find out & then make natal saturn house placement to 1st house & rotate whole chart with other planets according to their sign placement of main birth chart, now see this newly created chart where saturn is placed in 1st house , as we know that saturn has 3rd , 7th & 10th aspect , here saturn 3rd aspect becomes 3rd house where you’ve to give maximum effort & strength whereas saturn 10th aspect becomes 10th house where you’ve to give career focus or that is the house of your actual karma sthan with respect to saturn , so in this newly created 10th house you’ve to check the condition of the planets are placed in & that 10th house lord condition which will tell you the karma sthan condition in details according to saturn , specially it’ll be better for you to focus on that house related things to get better result when you’ll go through saturn mahadasha or antardasa .
Step 14> Running mahadasha planet & Trithi pravesh chart :- As we know that planet gives result in his dasha period , it’s like sets of planets are placed in diffferent houses with gift of time bomb whenever each of planet mahadasha or antardasha will come planet will activate that time bomb to give you result of the house related gift that they are placed in your birth chart & the result will be good & bad depending on the condition of the planet (sthan kal patra ) . Now to see mahadasha planet condition just placed the mahadasha planet to 1st house & rotate the chart & the other planet according to birth chart position of each planet . Now lets check the newly created chart mahadasha planet condition like which houses mahadasha planet is controllong , which sign it’s placed in 1st house where it’s naksatra lord & sign lord placed , how many planet are influencing to mahadasha planet everything you’ve to check & find out the condition then next most important to see where is antardasha planet is placed in this newly created chart what is the condition of that planet then next you’ve to check trithi pravesh chart ascendant , 10th house , mahadasha & antardasha planets condition once you find that condition then you’ll get every event details of your running dasha planet .
Step 15> Then check other other planet condition :- after completing all previous step then your next step to see all other planets condition like which houses the most of planets are placed in your birth chart that house condition & all other yoga condition .
Step 16> Moon chart :- moon chart is very important because birth chart is connected with physical related whereas moon chart is like what is your mind react in every angle of your life from 1st house to 12th house related things . Birth chart is like you are born because of your past life unfinished karma & you’ve chance to create new karma or simply nullify all your past life bad karma by doing Good work or do the work for what you are born means accomplish your purpose of life to get connected with God & get moksha that means Birth chart represents that God wants to give you chance to nullify the past life bad karma so that you’ll get moksha but if you create extra good karma then again you’ve to born to get the result of this life good karma in your next birth & if you create bad karma then you are adding past life bad karma plus this life bad karma & again you’ve to born to get the result of bad karma so better to nullify the effect of bad karma which was created by you in the past life by doing good work & after that do the work for what God wants means you are not creating new karma because you are working For the ultimate God & God will give you moksha & never expect anything to get return result of your good work then again you’ve to return back to this maya jal or born to this maya sthan to fulfill your desire . Now moon chart is like your prarabdha sanchita karma means the event result you’ll get definitely based on your sanchita karma because moon is like your subconscious mind where lots of emotional things are stored like buffer storage memory from your past life birth & you’ll react every angle of your life based on how your past life karma stored in your subconscious mind so simply moon is like your emotional subconscious mind(buffer storage elements) where past life every action reaction are stored subconsciously & you’ll react in this life like from 1st house related things to 12th house related things based on your past life karma which is stored subconsciously for that you don’t need to do anything & whatever your moon chart sanchita karma’s possible events are stored that will definitely happen so that is why you’ve to Check all these previous step condition in moon chart to get the details of your life events specially 10th house of your stored karma.
D10 Dashamsha divisional chart :-
Dashamsha chart is the 10th division of a horoscope & it highlights the 10th house of your birth chart career . I specially see this chart to pinpoint native best professional career , career great success & achievement . In this chart ascendant & 10th house condition are very important to pinpoint the details of career life .
Step 17> Ascendant & ascendant lord Deity condition :- You’ve to see D10 ascendant falls under what deity & what does it signifies plus where is ruling planet of this deity placed in this chart similarly you’ve to check where is D10 chart ascendant sign lord goes & to whom it’s conjuncted with & deity condition of this planet that shows the details of career focus .
Step 18> 10th house lord or 10th house planet deity condition :- 10th house of D10 chart is the most most most important topic in this article because when we magnify birth chart 10th house of career in higher divisional (birth chart each sign is divided in 10 equal parts of 3 degrees each )we get D10 dashamsha chart & it’s the D10 chart 10th house of career which shows the details of particular professional career field details through that you can get success in your career life . So 1st you’ve to check where is your 10th house lord goes means which house it’s placed to whom it’s conjuncted with & aspected by plus what is the condition of this planet in that house specially you ‘ve to check deity condition of that planet , it shows the house related career field & then if any planets are aspecting to D10 10th house or placed in 10th house then you’ve to again find out the condition that planets because they will modify your career field environment .
Step 19> 11th house condition :- D10 chart 11th house shows your gain or profit through your career , your fulfillment , desire & achievement of your career success . So you’ve to check from where your career gain will come means where is your 11th house lord goes from that house related things your gain will come to get the details of gain then see 11th lord planet house placement condition of deity level & other planetary condition those who are influencing to your 11th house & 11th lord .
Step 20 > 2nd house condition :- It’s the house of assets, wealth , savings through career , So if you want to know from where your savings or pretty much professional career value or application of your career value will come then see 2nd house condition like where is your 2nd lord goes to whom it’s conjuncted with or aspected by & other planetary condition those who are aspecting to 2nd house & 2nd lord will give you the details of savings through career .
Step 21 > 5th house condition :- It’s the house of creation , In D10 chart it shows what you’ll create or your creation in this world through professional career & your well wisher , purva punya of your career , to know the details of that then you’ve to see 5th house & 5th lord condition & the planets are influencing to 5th house .
Step 22> Lagna lord of D1 chart condition in D10 chart :- birth chart lagna lord is the controller of your body health if this planet is strong then the person is dedicated to his/her work & he/she will be on right path , if lagna lord of birth chart is badly placed in D10 chart he /she will face problem in career life & to know all of this then check the condition of Birth chart lord in D10 dashamsha chart .
Step 23> Birth chart 10th house lord condition in D10 chart :- birth chart 10th house lord controls the career if that planet is strong & well placed or associated with benefic planets in D10 chart then the person has a smooth career without any obstacle & if that planet is very well placed in D10 10th house then he/she will get huge success & status in career life .
Step 24> Birth chart Atma karka , Amatya karka & Karmapati saturn condition in D10 chart :- you’ve to check what is inner soul wants , does it gets supported by well wisher so that you will fulfill or accomplish the job of your career destiny & karma for that you’ve to check Birth chart Atma karka , Amatya karka & Karmapati saturn condition in D10 chart .
Step 25> Moon Condition in D10 chart :- Moon & the 10th lord from moon in D10 chart governs the mental attitude & stability towards the karmas , If they are well placed then native can easily focus towards their karma work but if they are badly placed then it gives inferiority complex .
D24 Chaturvimshamsha chart :-
This chart is also known as siddhamsha chart , It’s 24th divisional of a sign in birth chart , specially dedicated to see for your education knowledge .
Step 26> Ascendant & ascendant lord condition :- well placed strong ascendant & ascendant lord is good for education. So you ‘ve to how well placed your D24 chart ascendant & ascendant lord .
Step 27> The strongest planet in this chart governs the educational field one will acquire , so you’ve to check the strongest planet condition in details & deity condition of that planet .
Step 28> 5th & 9th house condition :- for education you’ve to see 5th house planet & 5th lord planet condition specially their deity condition & for higher education you’ve to check 9th house & 9th lord condition in details .
Step 29> The benefic 5th house planet & their lords gives non technical education whereas malefic planets shows technical education & if the influence is mixed then it shows mixed education .
Step 30> Jupiter & Mercury condition :- the karka for education are jupiter & mercury because jupiter controls higher wisdom knowledge whereas mercury controls application of your mind & learning new knowledge so you’ve to check this two planet condition in D24 chart .
Step 31> You’ve to check the condition of birth chart 10th house lord condition in D24 chart as well as D24 chart 10th house of career controller lord condition in D24 chart which indicates the preferable education for your career .
Step 32> If D24 chart ascendant/ascendant lord & 5th house /5th house lord are not well placed or not promises good education then it’s not worth to examine the stream of your education .
4> D9 Navamsha divisional chart :-
Navamsha chart is the 9th division of a sign in birth chart . If birth represents tree then D9 chart is the fruits of that tree , if birth chart represents a photograph then D9 chart is like a x-ray film showing inner parts of that birth chart photograph , if birth chart represents you your physical body then D9 chart is showing true innerself of you your body means sookshma astral body that is why our sages gave maximum point to D9 chart after D60 chart . This chart will get activated after your marriage & so if you want to know the details of your life after marriage then you must look at this chart.
Step 33> Ascendant & Ascendant lord condition :- ascendant & ascendant lord direction condition shows your life focus after marriage .
Step 34> 10th house planet & 10th lord condition :- As we concentrate on your career for that you’ve to check the condition of D9 chart 10th house & 10th house lord condition & the planets are influencing to your 10th house & 10th lord in D9 chart which will give you the details of your career life that result you’ll get after marriage .
Step 35> Birth chart Atma karka , Amatya karka & Karmapati saturn condition in D9 chart :- As we know that D9 chart represents true inner self of you & to know the details of your soul lessons then see birth chart atma karka condition in D9 chart , if you want to know true innerself of guider of your soul then check the condition of birth chart amatya karka condition in D9 chart & if you want to know the karma which will get activated after marriage then see the karma pati saturn condition in D9 chart & also you must see jupiter & venus condition in D9 chart .
Step 36> Lagna lord of D1 chart condition in D9 chart :- birth chart lagna lord represents you your body & how you’ll perform after marriage means if your lagna lord is weak in birth chart but it’s well placed in D9 chart then it represents that early in your life you’ll face problem but after marriage your life will improve . So it’s better to see the birth chart lagna lord or ascendant lord condition in D9 chart .
Step 37> Birth chart 10th house lord condition in D9 chart :- As we know that birth chart 10th house represents career status & 10th lord controls career direction so it’s important to see how your career life direction will get changed after marriage for that you’ve to see birth chart 10th house lord condition in D9 chart .
5> Karakamsha chart :-
It’s the most important chart in Jaimini astrology we specially see this chart for soul desire , soul lessons , spiritual & professional life , In jaimini each & every planet in birth chart controls certain role in your life except or excluding RAHU & KETU because they are not considered any one of karka . So to create Karakamsha chart you’ve to see which planet is holding highest degrees in your birth chart becomes atma karka & see which sign it’s placed in D9 chart , once you find out that sign then point out that sign in birth chart & placed that that sign into 1st house & rotate the chart with all planets according to birth chart & this newly created chart is your actual karakamsha chart.
Step 38 > Atma karka , Amatya karka & 5th house lord condition :- here in this chart you’ve to atma & amatya karka condition if they are conjuncted to each other the your soul desire will be fulfilled & accopmlish soul lesson by amatya karka & it’s the one of powerful raj yoga in jaimini astrology . mainly you’ve to see both these 2 planets condition & apply only JAIMINI rashi sign aspect . Next step to see condition of 5th house lord condition to know about your innerself passion , creation that you always want to do in your life .
Step 39 > 10th house planet & 10th house lord condition :- last but not the least you’ve to check the details of 10th house & 10th lord condition to know the innerself details of your career that you always want to do in your life & only apply Jaimini rashi sign aspect & also check the place from where amatya karka is the 10th /11th place from that sign & that rashi sign chara dasha & amatya karka rashi sign antardasha or vice versa are the actual rise of your career .
So, You’ve to check all these points to know details of your career & if you follow these steps then definitely you’ll pinpoint particular career field name with details of career environment . When I see a chart I always look at all these points but these are the huge steps although when you’ll point out all these steps then you’ll know how beautiful our vedic astrology is , it’s not a magic, only need the blessings of Guru , your right judgment , application of your mind , need higher wisdom knowledge & your intuition power to give final conclusion on chart analysis prediction . Here the chart analysis steps are given but to get practical example of real life chart analysis freely then go to my page “ free chart analysis by vedic raj astrology ” which will help you to improve your chart analysis skill with practical knowledge .
If You’ve any query regarding this topic you can leave comments.
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