Sun in 1st house of Astrology
Sun in 1st house of Astrology :-
Sun :- Sun is the main source of solar energy, giver of light, heat, main significator of our soul or atma, ego, heart, self esteem, personality , father , creator, source, king, government .Sun rules over heart. stomach, right eyes of the male & left eye of the female, bones .
1st house represents – you, yourself, your whole body, health, head & your personality.
So, when sun is placed in 1st house of your birth chart then it indicates that your sun is very much influencing to your 1st house body, personality which means that whatever sun indicates in astrology all these these qualities will come out through 1st house of body & personality. Mainly they are born early morning sunrise time in between 5 am to 7 am which means that they always have the power of sun strongly, we all know that sun is exalted in aries sign & arise sign is the 1st house in kalpurusha chart which means that they have power of leading capacity or leadership, heavy personality to attract others, high self esteem, they are the main controller of any administrative platform, Father plays most important role in their life. Sometimes they are little bit dominating like king due to having rulership power, Government or administrative sector will be best suitable for them or if private sector then higher post career position at the end of their life.
While checking all these condition one must know that sun is definitely placed in specific rashi or zodiac sign in 1st house so as we know that sun is very hot fiery planet so all fiery elements sign like aries, leo, sagittarius sign sun feels comfortable whereas if your sun is placed in water element sign like cancer, scorpio, pisces sign in 1st house then sun feels uncomfortable & if your sun is placed in libra sign then it’s called sun gets debilitated or weak then it can create problem in your health & personality but later it’ll solve your problem. Last but not the least while judging your sun placement in 1st house you also check the sun dispositor & nakshatra lord should be well placed in birth chart & sun should not be afflicted my malefic planets & sun placement in D9 navamsha chart should be good specially sign wise & D10 dashamsha chart sun should be placed in kendra or trikona house specuially 1st or 10th house to give you maximum good result.
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