Remedy of Bad Career Life as per Astrology
Remedy of Bad Career Life as per Astrology :– If you are facing career problem then definitely your running dasha planets are signifying problem depending which career field you are doing presently in your career life.
> Business Career Problem – if you are not doing well in business then definitely your dasha planets are signifying 6 , 8 , 12 houses . 7th house represents business & 12th from 7th house that is 6th house shows loss of business when with 8 , 12 houses .
> Job or Service Career Problem – if you are doing job service & facing career problem in your office environment without any job promotion or boss , office co-worker are creating problem then definitely your running dasha are signifying 12th house from 6th house of job service that is 5th house shows loss of job , 12th house from 10th house that is 9th house shows loss of career status with 8 , 12 houses.
A> 5 , 8 , 12 houses – most most bad combination for career life as well as failing in any competition
B> 6 , 8 , 12 houses – also bad for career life specially for business, marriage problem with health issue
C> 1 , 5 , 9 houses – combination shows job changes & if these combination with 8 , 12 houses then it shows getting fired from job service or losing job service.
So, if your maximum planets are signifying these houses then yes it shows career life problem that native has to face in his/her life specially those planetary dasha periods who are signifying these houses.
[Note – How to findout significator houses of planets that I’ve already explained in every post just search my website. ]
Now our main topic is the remedy of bad career life as per astrology – for that you need to first understand about karma result, we’ve three karmas in our life they are Sanchita Karma , Prarabdha Karma & Kriyamana Karma. A>Sanchita Karma – represents all accumulated works or karmas that you’ve done in past & we know that nobody can change their past. B> Prarabdha Karma – the karma result that you are getting right now due to your past sanchita karma that you’ve done in past. So you can’t change prarabdha karma in anyway anyhow because you can’t change your karma that you’ve done in past so your past sanchita karma is responsible for your presents recent prarabdha karma situation. Nobody can change parabdha karma result because frankly speaking we are not God. So the only answer is that nobody can come out from his/her prarabdha karma result because ultimately that prarabdha karma result that native has to face or deal with anyway anyhow in life due to native past sanchita karma. The only things you can do with your kriyamana karma that’s under your control . C> Kriyamana Karma – it indicates your free will to do the work in your present situation by making choice & responsible for your future due to you are taking action at present by making choice so that is why kriyamana karma is also called as Agami Karma here Agami means upcoming or future. So if remedy possible then we can do with this kriyamana karma. Now if you check my earlier post then you’ll find that I’ve uploaded lots of karma alignment technique posts , these technique we’ve to apply under kriyamana karma which we are giving respect to the situation & accept or surrender to the GOD by doing the Kriyamana Karma & now what kriyamana Karma you’ve to do ? you’ve to do the kriyamana karma as per your chart using karma alignment technique which tells you what specific karma is best for you to deal with this bad situation which is directly connected with your prarabdha karma that God has designed for you as per your chart means if your dasha planets are signifying 6th house of disputes , diseases or competition then definitely you can use your 6th house significant in good way means you can do 6th house matter in this way giving service to the needy peoples who needs help , helping to the peoples who are suffering due to 6th house of diseases or you behave as 6th house of problem solver by helping others like healer then what it indicates that you are ownself doing 6th house of matter directly but if you don’t do then prarabdha karma will force you to do that in most bad way by ownself facing disputes problem or diseases that is why I told you that whatever situation are there as per your chart just accept it & do that house related karma in good way before the bad situations happens in your life. So here as because you’ve done good karma as per God has designed for you then definitely you deserve to get good result from God as blessings so here as blessings from God you can want your desirable things which is good for you & the society , here we want remedy of career life means improvement of our career life which is only possible when we activate 10, 11 houses . So activation of houses is only possible after experiencing or done good karma as per your chart given by your running dasha planets. Now these activation technique is very very tough for you to get understand until unless you’ve good knowledge of nakshatra & subnakshatra concept but if you gain that knowledge then it’ll be very easy for you to solve the recent & upcoming situation problem in most easy way & it gives the result immediately after the process done using very easy steps . I hope that you’ve tried lots of remedy which may not be fruitful but atleast try this technique hope it’ll not disappoint you, below I’ve given the details of Karma Alignment Technique course & consultation you can choose any one of them as per your requirement.
Thnx regards
Astrological Remedy Using Karma Alignment Technique Consultation – Click Here
Astrological Remedy Using Karma Alignment Technique Course – Click Here
Astrology Courses – Click Here
Astrology Consultations – Click Here
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