How to Know Spouse Profession in Astrology Before Marriage
How to Know Spouse Profession in Astrology Before Marriage :- In Astrology , 1st house represents about you yourself whereas 7th house represents about your spouse details & 10th house represents your professional career environment , So if you want to know about your spouse profession & success then rotate your 7th house to make it 1st house & rotate the other planetary house placement position according to 7th house newly shifted position, this newly created chart is all about your spouse or life partner chart details where your focus should be 10th house of career details analysis which is actually your main birth chart 4th house, As we’ve already rotated the chart’s 7th house to 1st house & all planetary details with respect to their house placement also rotated according to that 7th house , So now you can independently do analysis of 10th house to know about your spouse profession details. Here , you need to check 10th house lord house & sign placement position with respect to nakshatra pada , if that 10th house signlord planet is placed in 10th house or 11th house or 2nd house or 10th house signlord planet’s nakshatra & upanakshatra lord planets are connected with 2 , 10 , 11 houses or In kp chart , 10th cusp upanakshatra lord planet is the strong significator of 2 , 10 , 11 houses or even maximum of planets are strongly signifying 2 , 10 , 11 houses though their nakshatra & upanakshatra lord planet placement position then your spouse will be rich & will get huge success in professional career with having lots of name , fame , power , position & reputation (10th lord should not be debilitated ) in the society but suppose instead of all these planets are signifying 6 , 8 , 12 houses with having no 11th house significator & 10th lord is debilitated or planets are debilitared in the 10th house then it indicates problem in professional career with respect to running dasha planets condition. Now what specific profession your spouse should do that depends on this newly created chart 10th house signlord planet placement direction like if placed in 4th house then land property , real estate , nourishment caring field , if placed in 5th house then creative field , if placed in 6th & 8th house with 11th house significator active then medical field like these way you’ve to check , I personally give more importance on 10th cusp nakshatra & upanakshatra condition to know about best specific profession field name through that career success will come in life. Next important chart that you’ve to see your D9 chart & your venus chart means make your venus house placement to 1st house & rotate the other planetary house placement position according to venus position & check this newly created chart 10th house , 11th house & 2nd house conditions , Similarly if you are female person & if you want to know about your husband profession details then also you can check your jupiter chart means make your jupiter house placement position to 1st house & rorate the other house placement planetary position according to jupiter position & check 10th , 11th & 2nd house conditions in this newly created chart which will help you to know about your husband best profession field details with how much career success that he’ll get in his life & stability in career these all you can easily find out through these easy steps.
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