Career Success After Marriage in Astrology
Career Success After Marriage in Astrology – I’ve seen there are lot’s of peoples, getting success after marriage, similarly opposite or vice versa can also happen in life. So, here I’ve given the astrological combinations where native will get success in their life after marriage.
Rule 1 :- Venus the main Karka planet for marriage, if your venus is any how connected with 2nd or 11th house by placement or through nakshatra or upanakshatra lord & also Venus is well placed in Navamsha & Dashamsha chart (house & sign wise) then it indicates that you’ll get success after marriage specially your spouse will be very helpful for your all kind of success in life.
The Conditions of getting Career success after Marriage in Astrology
Rule 2 :- Birth chart 7th house signlord planet is any how connected with 2nd or 11th house by placement or through nakshatra or upanakshatra lord & also birth chart 7th lord is well placed in Navamsha & Dashamsha chart (house & sign wise) then it indicates that you’ll get success after marriage specially your spouse will be very helpful for your all kind of success in life.
Rule 3 :- 7th house shouldn’t be afflicted by any natural & functional malefic planets by placement or aspect in birth chart.
Rule 4 :- 7th lord & Venus shouldn’t be aspected or conjuncted by 6 , 8 & 12 houses lords , even they shouldn’t be placed in 6, 8 & 12 houses in Navamsha chart.
Rule 5 :- In KP chart, 7th cuspal upanakshatra lord shouldn’t signify 6, 8 & 12 houses , instead of that they signify either 2 or 11 or 7 houses.
Rule 6 :- when your age will be after 30 years to onwards that time your controlling main Mahadasha planets are any how connected with 2nd house of wealth or 10th house of career success or 11th house gain by placement or through nakshatra lord or upanakshatra lord then also it indicates that you’ll get career success in life only after marriage. These are the main conditions that you need to check in your astrological charts.
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