Rahu in 6th House As Per Astrology
Rahu in 6th House As Per Astrology –
Rahu represents – the things which was unfinished in your past life but you wanted to fulfill it anyway any how at the end stage of your life & due to that strong desire you were again born to fulfill that unfinished desire in this present life signified by the house where rahu is placed in birth chart , So rahu is actually our obsession, desire,illusion, some craziness for unfinished goal , materialistic goal, foreign elements, electronics things, new age technology , magician , healer , researcher who think out of the box & it can also breaks traditional rules & regulation. Rahu wants all materialistic things , status , name & fame in most easy & shortcut way . So pretty much we’ve our own ambitious , dreams , desire , craziness due to this Rahu .
6th house represents – our enemy, enemy fighting obstacles, health & healing, diseases or dispute solving , giving services to the needy people who are suffering from long times , everyday routine works, job & services, debts, warzone,fighting, litigation,divorce, any type of competition.
> So whenever rahu is placed in 6th house , rahu brings his own significant qualities to the 6th house & influence to your 6th house matter & from the 6th house rahu is 5th aspecting to your 10th house of karma sthan or professional career environment , name , fame , status & 9th aspecting to your 2nd house of wealth , assets , savings , bank balance , family assets , family lineage , vocal chords & your food intake habits. So actually rahu is activating all your Artha triokna 2 , 6 , 10 houses by being placed in 6th house rahu is aspecting to 10th house & also aspecting to 2nd house . Rahu placement in 6th house can give you good result or bad result depending on rahu’s sign placement naksatra condition in 6th house & other planets influence over your 6th house rahu.
Good & bad Result :-
Rahu in 6th house gives excellent good result because we know that malefic planet gives good result in upachaya houses (3,6,10,11) & rahu is natural malefic planets whereas 6th house is also one of upchaya house plus one of artha trikona house so rahu will give good result better with time but their are few conditions that you’ve to check & these conditons are —>
> Your rahu can defeat your big enemy easily & you’ll get huge gain through your enemy fighting competition or any kind of 6th house of competition only if your rahu’s starlord is strongly SIGNIFYING 2 , 6 , 10 , 11 HOUSES specially if your rahu falls under PURVASHADA NAKSATRA PADA 2 & NAKSATRA LORD VENUS GETS PLACED IN 11TH HOUSE OF GAIN IN OWN TAURUS SIGN UNDER ROHINI OR KRITTIKA NAKSATRA .
> Rahu in 6th house shows your whole life obession towards 6th house of daily routine work , giving services to the needy people but we know that rahu is clever minded who has tricky magical smokey power which is actually rahu’s illussion or not true or maya jal , So rahu can give you gain through his magical illusion power by good way or bad way .. Good way if rahu falls under ashwini naksatra pada 4 or hasta naksatra pada 4 & moon mercury are not afflicted , well placed & rahu’s starlord is strongly signifying 6 , 10 , 11 then native will be emotional to help people through it’s magical hand specially it signify doctor or surgeon & if rahu falls under hasta naksatra pada 3 then native will be magician or may have excellent writing power like sci fi writers but this same hasta pada 3 rahu can signify cheater or pickpocket thief if rahu’s naksatra lord moon is debilitated but mercury is placed in 3rd house under ardra naksatra then native use their magical hand to cheat others without any emotion. Now other combination to getting gain without emotion if rahu in 6th house falls under ashlesha naksatra or ardra naksatra or vishakha naksatra or jyestha naksatra & naksatra lord if strongly signifying 6 , 8 , 10 , 11 & your moon is afflicted but mercury is strongly well placed then you don’t have any emotional portion in your emotional mind but you are very clever intelligent minded to cheat others & your main focus towards how to achieve goal , name , fame , status in anyway anyhow for that they can do anything & they will experience or fulfill their desire goal in most easy & shortcut way in rahu & rahu’s starlord planet dasha period . Example :- the most richest peoples in the world who has already gained lots of huge money by cheating others . Now if the same rahu is placed in 6th house falls under the same written naksatra but naksatra lord is debilitated or badly placed or strongly signifying 5 , 6 , 8 , 12 houses then you’ll be cheated by others by being your 6th house of prarabdha karma .
> Now , I’m going to add one more energetic planet mars in 6th house with rahu with close conjunct within 3 deg 20 min orb then this combination can give excellent competitive power which can create either good or bad to the extreme level . so if both rahu mars are placed in 6th house under the naksatra of either ashwini pada 1 , krittika pada 2 , hasta pada 1 , shravana pada 1 , jyestha pada 2 , magha pada 1 , purvashada pada 2 , dhanishta pada 2 , purvabhadra pada 1 then this native are very much competitive to achieve their goal & no one can defeat them anyway anyhow in any any situation specially in rahu & rahu’s starlord planet dasha period only if rahu & rahu’s starlord are strongly signifying 2 , 3 , 6 , 10 , 11 houses & career for them will be sports athletics , soldiers police man or even they will be judge or king or governor or the punishment giver of their nation only if both rahu & mars starlord is well placed in D1 , D9 , D10 , D27 & D60 chart with having high shad bala strength in chart .
Now if rahu mars are placed in 6th house of cancer or pisces of ashlesha pada 4 , purvabhadra pada 4 , gemini of ardra pada 4 , scorpio of vishakha pada 4 , virgo of hasta pada 4 , sagittarius of moola pada 4 & if also their starlord is strongly signifying 5 , 8 , 12 houses then native will be defeated by others very badly or if their starlord is signifying 6 , 8 , 12 then whatever native will do in action it can create devastating very bad result specially in rahu & rahu’s starlord planet dasha period .
> 6th house represents diseases or disputes solving or even your diseases or disputes that you’ll get in your life whereas rahu has mystical magical power who is placed in 6th house can create either medical doctor who can cure diseases to the needy people or you yourself will experience diseases or disputes in rahu dasha period, also it can represent that native may be dealing with medicine drugs in good way to cure the needy people who are suffering from long times or you yourself will be drug addicted because 6th house rahu is also aspecting to 2nd house of your food intake habits .
I want to know what will be the condition for the rahu in 6th can give drug addiction or make a person medical doctor or the person who deals with medicine drug to cure people .. you should write the actual point .
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